As part of the Events Team here at the Hospice, I am constantly working with supporters on a whole range of exciting challenges. Whether it’s jumping 13,000ft out of a plane, cycling 75km or running 5k for chocolate, there’s lots to get involved with. Whatever the challenge, my job allows me to meet so many inspirational, positive and tenacious characters. However that daunting question will always raise its expecting head…
“Have you done it?”
The answer each and every time I’m ashamed to admit has been “no”. That was until now.
It was time to follow the lead of our wonderful Hospice supporters and take on my own challenge! So on Sunday 26th March I found myself sat in a Slingsby Firefly T67M200, ready to do a 360 degree loop the loop 5,000ft in the air. You should bear in mind that a lightly bobbing fishing boat can cause my stomach to flip, so this was definitely going to be a challenge!
I arrived at Take Flight Aviation at Wellesbourne Airfield for 12pm where I met Seb my friendly pilot who introduced me to the plane and talked me through what was going to happen. By 12.30pm I was securely strapped in, parachute attached, with a GoPro filming my reaction as we took off.
We flew up 5,000ft and Seb joyfully handed over the flight controls to a very panicked me. I nervously steered the plane left and right and up and down for a few moments before Seb happily congratulated me, “you’ve flown a plane today, that wasn’t so bad was it?” Relieved to hand back control I sat back and let Seb introduce me to the wonderful world of aerobatics. Starting with an aileron roll followed by a stall turn and then being hung upside down for some time, we finally came to the long anticipated loop the loop. Time to scream!
What a rush… the only way I can describe this challenge is to compare it to being on a rollercoaster but multiplied by a hundred! The perfect experience for any adrenaline junkie and one I won’t ever forget!
So I am now proud to say that…
“Yes I have done it and yes it was incredible”.
A completely unique experience that I hope proves popular with our supporters. What will be my next challenge I wonder?
Have I tempted you? If so, we have a Loop the Loop day organised for Saturday 5th August. For more information or to book your place visit or email me if you want to hear more about my experience of the Loop!