Our Specialist Therapists ensure care and support is provided using a collaborative and holistic approach for each individual patient and their family or carers.

Our Therapies Team
Using their expert knowledge and skills, our team of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Therapy Support Workers provide a range of services for people within our Inpatient Units, Living Well Centres and within patients’ own homes to promote and support physical function, independence and wellbeing.
The team will complete an assessment of each patient’s individual needs, identify problems or concerns and establish how the effect of illness has impacted on all aspects of daily living.
Advice, education, self-management techniques and provision of specialist equipment can then be offered to help optimise function and quality of life, as well as promote wellbeing and independence within the limitations of palliative illness.

How we work with you
Our specialist teams work alongside each patient to identify and set personal goals by focusing on their needs, preferences and priorities. We can assist with the management of symptoms such as pain and discomfort, breathlessness, fatigue and anxiety. We also offer bespoke support by teaching practical skills to help find ways to improve function, ability to perform everyday tasks and mobility, or help find new ways of enjoying activities that are meaningful.
As part of the service the team can also help people plan for their preferred place of care or place of death, and provide equipment and advice that may be needed to support these preferences.
The Therapies Team work closely with the wider Multi-Disciplinary Team to ensure all care is holistic and individualised. We may, if indicated, signpost towards other healthcare, social care or hospice services.

Ways our Therapies Team can support you

Supporting patients to manage symptoms caused by their illness.

A series of relaxation videos to help manage anxious thoughts, calm the body and mind.

All our services are free of charge. Your donation makes a difference.
Could buy a teddy bear with a recording of a loved one’s voice for a bereaved child to treasure as a keepsake.
Could pay for a bereavement support session to help a family member cope with the loss of a loved one.
Could pay for a community nurse to visit someone at home, helping them manage their symptoms and coordinating their care.
Could cover the cost of a home visit from an Occupational Therapist to help people to be as independent as possible.