Our expert team of physiotherapists provide bespoke support for each individual catered to their unique needs.
How our Physiotherapy Team can support you
Physiotherapists provide advice and treatment to maximise movement and function that has been affected by disease, aging or injury, enabling every individual to live well, as fully as they can and to enjoy the best quality of life possible.
Our specialist team will holistically assess and work in collaboration with each patient, their relatives and carers, to identify each individual’s potential, their problems, their personal goals and priorities for care.
Physiotherapy in palliative care
In palliative care a ‘whole person’ approach recognises that a life-limiting illness can present complex physical, emotional, social and spiritual symptoms, leading to ‘total pain’. Physiotherapists work closely with other members of the Multi-Disciplinary Team, and together they endeavour to recognise and address the causes of all the presenting symptoms an individual may be suffering.
Self-management and motivational management techniques may be taught by the physiotherapist to help control symptoms, such as breathlessness and anxiety. This helps empower people to actively manage their condition. The physiotherapist will provide support to individuals to adopt these techniques into their daily activities, and assist them to participate in meaningful activities.
Get in touch
To find out more please call our switchboard on 0121 269 5000 and ask to speak to a member of the Therapy Team who will be happy to help.
All our services are free of charge. Your donation makes a difference.
Can buy a teddy bear with a recording of a loved one’s voice for a bereaved child to treasure as a keepsake.
Pays for a bereavement support session to help a family member cope with the loss of a loved one.
Pays for a community nurse to visit someone at home, helping them manage their symptoms and coordinating their care.
Covers the cost of a home visit from an Occupational Therapist to help people to be as independent as possible.