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Contact us

To get a speedy response, we encourage calling the department you need directly. Please choose the hospice team you need to speak to from the list below.

Get in touch

Alternatively, you can send us a message by filling out this form and we’ll respond as quickly as we can, but please note this is not to be used for medical and patient enquiries, alternatively please find the relevant team in the section to the right:

"*" indicates required fields

Please review our privacy practices: Privacy Policy
Have an enquiry?

E-mail: (please note this is not to be used for medical and patient enquiries, alternatively please find the relevant team in the patients and carers section below)

Phone: 0121 728 6760 (Selly Park)

Phone: 0121 465 2000 (Erdington)

Fundraising: 0121 465 2009

Communications Team:

Retail (inc. Gift Aid):

Finance: 0121 269 5000

HR: 0121 387 4444

Facilities: 0121 269 5000

Education: 0121 387 3894

NHS Contracting: 0121 752 8739

Referrals or medical enquiries


Phone: 0121 809 1900

For patients, carers, family members and healthcare professionals

Inpatient Unit & Ward: 0121 465 2003 / 0121 387 3896

Community Team & Hospice at Home: 0121 809 1900

Wellbeing Support Team: 0121 752 8748

Day Hospice: 0121 809 1900

Therapies: 0121 809 1900

Medical Secretary: 0121 752 8793

Clinical Admin Team: 0121 752 8799/8798

Note that after 5pm, calls to clinical departments will be diverted to the ward team.

How to find us

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