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Lisa receives special message from football megastars

23 August 2022

Thank you so much to Manchester City FC, Jack Grealish and Pep Guardiola for making one of our patient’s dreams come true!

Our patient, Lisa, is a huge Aston Villa FC fan and a massive supporter of Jack Grealish, who played for the Birmingham-based club for many years before recently moving to Manchester City FC.

Lisa’s biggest wish is to meet Jack Grealish and our wonderful hospice teams did everything in their power to make that happen.

The Hospice Charity Partnership’s Personal Health Budget (PHB) Team provide services for people within the last weeks of their life. They help patients develop a personalised care plan and use the service in a way that best meets their needs.

This could mean providing anything from bedding and clothing to domestic help to support the patient to be able to remain in their own homes.

For Lisa and her family, the PHB team helped them with domestic cleaning to support the family to look after Lisa. As a massive football fan all her life, often attending matches with her father growing up, the team supplied Lisa with a personalised football shirt which she was truly overwhelmed with. They also provided Lisa with a pamper pack from the Willows Foundation and splodge teddies for her two nieces, who Lisa is very close with.

But the team wanted to go one step further and started reaching out to the football clubs to see if there was a way to get in touch with Jack and his team.

To the huge surprise of Jaydene, who is part of the PHB Team, she received an email from Manchester City’s press team last Thursday to say Jack and Pep Guardiola, Manchester City’s manager, had recorded personal messages for Lisa.

Jaydene said: “We had an amazing response from the club. We received a video from Jack Grealish and Pep Guardiola for Lisa, wishing her well and sending her love.

“And to top that off – Jack Grealish also video-called Lisa at home and they had a lovely chat. It was wonderful.

“Lisa was so excited and a bit overwhelmed I think. She told the team that Jack was even more handsome than on TV! Manchester City FC were absolutely amazing in achieving this and it really has made Lisa’s wish come true.”

From everyone at the charity, and Lisa and her family, we want to say a huge thank you to Jack, Pep and everyone at Manchester City FC for this incredible experience for one of our patients.

And a huge well done to our fabulous PHB Team for making this happen!