We want to thank everyone who has taken the time to share their experience of Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice on the independent feedback platform, Care Opinion. We ensure we read and respond to every comment, passing on the feedback to the team and to any named staff. The kind words, and constructive feedback, about our work, our facilities, and our services is incredibly valuable.
The feedback highlighted the efforts of our “wonderful caring staff” who do their utmost to ensure that everyone is given the care they need, and access to the services they require – even in the midst of a pandemic! The Support at Home service, run by volunteers who have had to move to telephone calls due to Covid-19, particularly stand out in the feedback, with one volunteer being called a “joy” and “our very own friend”.
One respondent, describing their experience of Birmingham St Mary’s as a relative, said that “every single staff member we encountered showed us kindness”. Another, who attended the Day Hospice, said that they “really looked forward to going” – and a special mention was made to the “beautiful” three course meals!
Every single staff member we encountered showed us kindness in our darkest moments – from the receptionist, the kitchen staff, the nurses and doctors.
One relative spent time in our Harry Moseley Family Centre – a set of private rooms consisting of a kitchen, two bedrooms and a living room – and they appreciated having “lots of space as a family to just ‘be’” with their dad. Our on site family centre ensures there is space for loved ones to stay with patients, it is located on our Inpatient Unit alongside the single rooms.
However, our Inpatient Ward is only part of what we do, much of the care we provide is at home and in the community, and we strive to support those who wish to stay at home. The Hospice at Home team work alongside GP’s and district nurses to try and make this happen. For one relative, who wanted their mom to be able to stay at home, the team made this possible by being their “crutch”, offering nursing care as well as “so much emotional support”.
“You were a great comfort during my moms final weeks. Not only did she have you for my basic care but you offered me so much emotional support. We wanted to keep mom at home with us during her final days and you made this possible by being our crutch.”
All of the feedback we receive is important – we are always looking for ways that we can improve to ensure that everyone gets the best possible care. If you would like to leave feedback about your experience, please visit www.careopinion.org.uk