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Birmingham Hospice consultants share expertise in regional guidelines

10 May 2023

We’re so proud to share that two of our consultants have been instrumental in the production of new regional palliative care guidelines, which have been launched during Dying Matters Awareness Week 2023.

Dr Nadia Khan, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, and Dr Christina Radcliffe, Medical Director and Consultant in Palliative Medicine, have shared their expertise for the latest edition of the West Midlands Palliative Care Physicians Palliative Care Guide.

The guide is a well-established resource that contains easy-to-access information about the use of medications in symptom control and has been written and developed by regional palliative care consultants and pharmacists.

Physical copies and free digital copies of the 2023 WMPCP Palliative Care Guide can be accessed here:

Dr Nadia Khan

Having benefited so much from the guidelines during my own clinical work and knowing how useful my colleagues providing generalist palliative care in hospitals and community found it; I felt it was important to contribute to the continuation and development of the guide.

“I’ve been really pleased to have taken on the mantle of Guidelines Lead for the West Midlands Palliative Care Physicians Society following on from Dr Christina Radcliffe, who kicked off the guideline review for this latest updated version.

“I have professionally known and worked with many of the clinicians who have been instrumental in writing and reviewing the guidelines over the years, and for the latest 2023 version. Their enthusiasm and passion for delivering the best palliative care possible has meant that they’ve given much of their own time and energy to undertake the review, for which I am extremely grateful!

“We have updated the content, shared available medication formulations and improved the format and flow of the guidance.

“Overseeing the update in the past year gives me the confidence that the Palliative Care Guide continues to be clinically relevant and has undergone a robust process of review to ensure its accuracy, not least in part due to the ongoing pharmacy expertise provided by specialist palliative care pharmacist Michelle Aslett.”

Dr Nadia Khan, Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Birmingham Hospice