The kind-hearted congregation at Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara raised bucket-loads of donations as part of this year’s Big Brum Bucket collections.
As the oldest Sikh Gurdwara in Birmingham which was established by the local Sikh Community in 1962, The Gurdwara Sahib is a very important place for families to meet and pray together as well as provide a focal meeting point for the community. The Gurdwara Sahib is very proud of its links with the Balsall Heath Community as the local Sikh Community developed its roots in this part of Birmingham. Generations have grown up in the area and many of the congregations worked in the area and a lot of the community went to the local schools.
This year they decided to give something back and support local people in their community living with a terminal illness by holding their own Big Brum Bucket Collection and raising an amazing £82.94.
The campaign an annual event which sees hundreds of volunteers take to the streets of Birmingham and Sandwell and hold collections at home, at work or in community locations to raise crucial funds for the charity. This year, Bucketeers collectors were out and about on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 September at a number of locations, including New Square in West Bromwich and Colmore Row in Birmingham.
Charlotte Dowling, Community Fundraising Manager said, ‘We are so grateful to the Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara for supporting our Big Brum Bucket Collections. Every penny collected really does make a difference and it will help us to continue to provide our expert care at the Hospice, in people’s homes and in the local community. All our services are free of charge and so we rely on the generosity of wonderful local people – like the congregation at Guru Gobind Gudwara – to ensure we can care for everyone that needs us, wherever they need us.’
To find out how you can support your local Hospice, please get in touch on 0121 472 1191 or email
For more information about the Gurdwara Sahib or about Sikhism please e-mail the Gurdwara Sahib on