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Barclays employee gets saddle sore doing Sustrans Coast to Coast (C2C) bike ride

18 September 2014

Armed with spare inner tubes, many energy bars, gels and drinks, Barclays employee, Paul Whyman and friend Stuart battled the elements and location to take on Sustrans Coast to Coast (C2C) in aid of our Hospice. The 140 mile route with 9500 feet of ascent in just two and a half days was no easy feat. Starting at Workington, then Cumbria to the end of the Tyne, it pushed these intrepid cyclists physical fitness to the limit. Paul was joined by his son Daniel for the last 35 miles but it proved difficult terrain. Paul and Stuart finally completed the C2C at Tynemouth end at 3.30pm on their third day, well within their target.